Help us build a better future for mental health

At Affect, we come to work every day because we want to solve the biggest problems in mental healthcare. We don’t wait for the “next big thing”; we are out chasing it, building it, and improving it. We recruit the most passionate mental health leaders who are driven to make an impact in the sector. 

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Our team is driven to accelerate solutions in the mental health space. Both lived experience and direct connections to loved ones with mental illness, motivate each and every Affect member to build products that will achieve the most impact.
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Hungry For Innovation

It is our passion to innovate in the field of mental health. We believe that the quickest way to make the biggest impact is by building and supporting the most innovate products
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Product Focused

We believe that transformative mental health products are one of the biggest levers for change in the space. We seek to leverage modern technology and innovation to build the most impactful products to provide the support, education, and resources to those in need.

Culture of Openness

Affect prides itself on fostering an open environment where ideas and feedback can flow freely. We aim to be as transparent and candid as possible in our communication. We would rather be saved by criticism, than ruined by praise.
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